Phone number 02045996870: All you need to know


The phone number 02045996870 is one of the widely used phone numbers in Vietnam. It is a phone number with prefix 02, belongs to Viettel network and is used for mobile and fixed services. In this article, we will learn about the phone number 02045996870, related features and services, as well as frequently asked questions surrounding this phone number.

1. Introduction to phone number 02045996870

1.1. Prefix number 02 and Viettel network

Prefix 02045996870 is one of the phone numbers licensed for use in Vietnam. It belongs to Viettel network – one of the three largest networks in Vietnam, along with Vinaphone and Mobifone. Phone numbers with the prefix 02 are often used for Viettel’s mobile and fixed services.

1.2. Phone number it

The phone number 02045996870 is one of the phone numbers with the prefix 02 widely used in Vietnam. It belongs to Viettel network and is used for mobile and fixed services. This number can be used for domestic and international communications, as well as for services such as text messages, calls and internet access.

2. Features and services of phone number 02045996870

2.1. Call and text

The phone number 02045996870 can be used for domestic and international calling and texting. With reasonable rates and good service quality, users can easily communicate with friends, family and business partners.

2.2. Internet access

With phone number 02045996870, users can access the internet through Viettel’s data packages. This allows them to browse the web, watch videos, send emails, and use online applications conveniently and quickly.

2.3. Additional features

In addition to basic features such as calling, texting and accessing the internet, the phone number 02045996870 can also be used for additional services such as data sharing, subscription to packages and bill payments. This helps users save time and effort in managing their phone numbers.

3. Frequently asked questions around phone number it

3.1. Can I contact 02045996870 from anywhere?

With the phone number 02045996870, you can be contacted from anywhere domestically and internationally, as long as you have an internet connection. If you are abroad, make sure you have roaming enabled so you can use this phone number.

3.2. How to register a package for phone number it?

You can register for Viettel’s packages with phone number 02045996870 by visiting the website or My Viettel application. In addition, you can also register by calling Viettel’s customer care switchboard or going to the network’s stores.

3.3. Can I switch from another network to Viettel with phone number it?

Yes, you can switch from another network to Viettel and keep your phone number it. To do this, you need to go to Viettel stores to request a network switch and complete the necessary procedures.

3.4. How can I pay the bill for phone number it?

You can pay your bill to phone number 02045996870 using online payment methods such as internet banking or e-wallet, or go to Viettel stores to pay directly.

3.5. Can I change the phone number 02045996870 to another number?

Yes, you can switch from phone number 02045996870 to another number by contacting Viettel’s customer service switchboard and requesting a switch. However, this may incur applicable fees and conditions depending on the carrier’s policies.


The phone number 02045996870 is one of the widely used phone numbers in Vietnam. With the prefix 02 and belonging to Viettel network, this number can be used for mobile and fixed services. In addition, it also has additional features and services such as calling, texting, internet access and subscription to packages. Hopefully this article has helped you better understand the phone number 02045996870 and related information. Thank you for reading!

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