Peritoneal duct: An effective solution for back pain patients


Peritoneal conduit, also known as pleural conduit, is one of the modern healthcare methods used to relieve pain and improve the quality of life of back pain patients. This is a special technique, performed by highly specialized medical professionals and requires special attention and care from relatives and family. In this article, we will learn about pleural conduits, methods of placing them, and things to keep in mind when caring for patients with pleural conduits.

Pleural fluid drainage pathway

Peritoneal The pleural fluid drainage pathway is one of the important components of the body’s urinary system. It includes organs such as the kidneys, urinary tract, and bladder. The main function of the pleural fluid drainage tract is to help the body remove waste products and maintain water and electrolyte balance in the body.

When there is a problem with the drainage of pleural fluid, such as being blocked or impaired, it can lead to a buildup of fluid in the body, causing symptoms such as back pain, shortness of breath, nausea and vomiting. vomiting. This can happen for a variety of reasons, including kidney diseases, cancer, and other conditions related to the urinary system.

Pleural puncture method

Thoracentesis is a medical technique used to relieve pain and improve the quality of life of back pain patients. It is performed by placing an epithelial conduit into the pleural fluid drainage tract, allowing the fluid to drain out of the body.

This method is often used when other treatments are ineffective or not appropriate for the patient. It can help reduce pain and improve the patient’s quality of life in cases where the symptoms are caused by fluid accumulation.

Classification of pleural ducts

There are two types of pleural conduits used in thoracentesis: temporary conduits and permanent conduits.

Temporary conduit

Peritoneal a temporary pleural tube is a type of pleural tube that is placed in the pleural fluid drainage tract for a short period of time, usually from a few days to a few weeks. After pain relief and symptom improvement, the tube will be removed.

Long-lasting conduit

A permanent conduit is a type of pleural conduit that is placed in the pleural fluid drainage tract for a long period of time, usually from several weeks to several months. It is used for patients with persistent or recurring symptoms.

Characteristics of pleural ducts

Pleural conduits have many different characteristics depending on the purpose of use and the patient’s condition. However, common features of pleural ducts include:

  • Size: the pleural tube is small in size, about 1mm to 2mm, helping to minimize pain when placed in the pleural fluid drainage path.
  • Material: Pleural ducts are usually made from materials such as silicone, polyurethane or PVC, which are flexible and safe for the body.
  • Design: The pleural tube has a simple design that is easy to insert and remove, and helps prevent fluid buildup in the pleural fluid drainage path.
  • Adjustable: the pleural conduit can be adjusted in length to suit each specific case.

Indications for pleural conduit placement

Thoracentesis and pleural tube placement are used for patients with symptoms caused by fluid accumulation, including:

  • Back pain: especially back pain due to kidney disease or cancer.
  • Difficulty breathing: due to fluid accumulation in the pleural fluid drainage tract.
  • Nausea and vomiting: due to fluid accumulation in the pleural fluid drainage tract.

In addition, pleural conduit can also be used to relieve pain and improve the patient’s quality of life in the following cases:

  • Patients cannot take pain medication by mouth.
  • The patient cannot tolerate other treatments.
  • Other treatments are ineffective or inappropriate for the patient.

Pleural conduit placement is contraindicated

Although pleural conduit is an effective method to relieve pain and improve the quality of life of back pain patients, it also has certain contraindications. The following cases should not use pleural tubes:

  • Patients with blood clotting problems or are using anticoagulants.
  • The patient has a serious infection in the body.
  • Patients with serious cardiovascular diseases.
  • The patient has serious liver and kidney diseases.
  • The patient is allergic to the components of the pleural duct.

Peritoneal If the patient has any health problems related to the above conditions, a doctor should be consulted before deciding to use a pleural tube.

Pleural conduit placement technique

Pleural tube placement is a process that requires precision and skill from medical professionals. This process is usually performed in a hospital or clinic environment, with the support of modern medical equipment.

The process of placing a pleural conduit includes the following steps:

  1. Preparation: Before performing the pleural tube placement process, the patient needs to be prepared for position and comfort. If necessary, the patient may be given painkillers to reduce pain during the tube placement process.
  2. Hygiene: the skin area around the tube placement area needs to be clean to ensure there are no bacteria that cause infection.
  3. Injecting anesthetic: after cleaning, the doctor will inject anesthetic into the skin around the tube placement site to reduce pain and dilate blood vessels.
  4. Tube placement: after the skin area has been numbed, the doctor will perform pleural tube placement through a small needle inserted through the skin and subcutaneous tissues.
  5. Check position: after placing the tube, the doctor will check the position of the tube again by X-ray or ultrasound to make sure it is in the correct position.
  6. Attachment: Finally, the tube will be attached to a medicine bag to collect fluid in the pleural fluid drainage tract.

Complications of pleural tube placement

Although pleural catheterization is a safe and effective method, it can also cause certain complications. Common complications of pleural tube placement include:

  • Infection: caused by bacteria or fungi that cause infection in the skin around the duct.
  • Bleeding: due to damaged blood vessels during tube placement.
  • Pain and discomfort: due to problems with the position of the tube or due to the impact of the medicine bag.
  • Obstruction: due to fluid accumulation in the medicine bag or due to debris in the tubing.

If the patient experiences any complications after pleural tube placement, they should immediately contact their doctor for timely advice and treatment.

Care of patients with pleural tubes placed

Peritoneal After placing a pleural conduit, the patient needs special care to ensure the treatment is effective and avoid possible complications. Things to keep in mind when caring for a patient with a pleural tube include:

  • Symptom monitoring: patients should monitor and notify their doctor of any symptoms that may occur after tube placement, such as pain, difficulty breathing, or vomiting.
  • Clean the skin around the duct: to avoid infection, the skin around the duct needs to be cleaned daily with water and soap.
  • Replace medicine bags: medicine bags need to be changed periodically to ensure cleanliness and effectiveness of the treatment process.
  • Adjusting the tube position: if the patient feels pain or discomfort due to the tube, they should immediately contact the doctor to adjust the tube’s position.


Peritoneal Pleural conduit is an effective method to relieve pain and improve the quality of life of back pain patients. However, pleural tube placement should be performed by medical professionals, and patients need special care after tube placement to avoid possible complications. If there are any unusual symptoms after tube placement, the patient should immediately contact a doctor for timely advice and treatment.

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