Nursery – An important method in agriculture


Nursery is one of the important techniques in agriculture to create new plants. It allows farmers to produce their own seeds without having to buy them from outside. This helps save costs and ensures crop quality. In this article, we will learn about plant nursery, methods and techniques applied in this process.

Incubate eggs

Incubating eggs is one of the simplest methods of plant incubation and is widely used in agriculture. This is the process of creating new crops through the use of birds’ eggs. This is done by placing the eggs in a warm and humid environment to stimulate incubation.

Steps to incubate eggs

To carry out the egg incubation process, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Birds’ eggs want to be incubated
  • A cage or an area that is warm and humid enough to place the eggs
  • Heat lamp or light bulb to create heat for eggs

After you have prepared all the supplies, you can take the following steps to incubate eggs:

  1. Start by choosing eggs from birds that are healthy and undamaged.
  2. Place the eggs in a cage or area that is warm and humid.
  3. Use a heating lamp or light bulb to heat the eggs, ensuring the temperature is between 37-39 degrees Celsius.
  4. Turn the eggs every day to ensure the eggs are incubated evenly and do not stick together.
  5. Monitor the incubation process and wait about 21 days until the eggs hatch.

Advantages and disadvantages of egg incubation method

Incubating eggs is a simple and easy method, especially for beginners in agriculture. It also allows you to create different types of crops from different species of birds. However, this method also has disadvantages such as:

  • An understanding of the incubation process and egg care is required to ensure success.
  • Not suitable for growing large quantities of plants.
  • The quality of the crop cannot be guaranteed.

Breeding seeds

Nursery is a method of growing plants through the use of plant parts such as seeds, tubers, roots or branches to create new plants. This method is widely used in agriculture to produce high quality and diverse plant varieties.

Breeding steps

To carry out the incubation process, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Seeds or plant parts such as tubers, roots or branches
  • Soil and necessary nutrients
  • Spray bottle for watering plants

After you have prepared all the materials, you can take the following steps to grow the seeds:

  1. Choose seeds or plant parts that are healthy and undamaged.
  2. Prepare soil and necessary nutrients to create a good environment for plant growth.
  3. Sow the seeds or place the plant parts in the soil and water regularly.
  4. Make sure the plant is placed in a warm environment with enough light to stimulate growth.
  5. Monitor and care for the plants properly until they grow into new plants.

Advantages and disadvantages of the seed nursery method

Nursery is a simple method and can be applied to many different types of plants. It also allows you to control the quality of crops and create new varieties. However, this method also has disadvantages such as:

  • An understanding of the nursery and tree care process is required to ensure success.
  • Not suitable for growing large quantities of plants.
  • It can take a lot of time and effort to create new plants.


Nursery is the process of creating new plants through the use of seeds or plant parts such as branches, roots or tubers. This is one of the important methods in agriculture to produce high quality and diverse plant varieties.

Nurture and create substrate for plants

During the process of cultivating plants, creating a substrate for plants is an important factor to ensure the development and growth of plants. The substrate is a part of the plant created from plant parts such as branches, roots or tubers. It helps plants absorb water and nutrients from the soil to grow strongly.

Technique for growing plants through seeds

Seed growing techniques are one of the important methods in agriculture to create new plants. This is the process of using seeds to create new plants by sowing them in soil and caring for them until the plants grow.

Steps to grow plants through seeds

To carry out the process of growing plants through seeds, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Seeds of the plant you want to grow
  • Soil and necessary nutrients
  • Spray bottle for watering plants

After you have prepared all the supplies, you can take the following steps to grow plants through seeds:

  1. Choose seeds that are healthy and undamaged.
  2. Prepare soil and necessary nutrients to create a good environment for plant growth.
  3. Sow the seeds in the soil and water regularly.
  4. Make sure the plant is placed in a warm environment with enough light to stimulate growth.
  5. Monitor and care for the plants properly until they grow into new plants.

Advantages and disadvantages of seed growing techniques

The technique of growing plants through seeds is a simple method and can be applied to many different types of plants. It also allows you to control the quality of crops and create new varieties. However, this method also has disadvantages such as:

  • An understanding of the process of growing plants through seeds and caring for them is required to ensure success.
  • Not suitable for growing large quantities of plants.
  • It can take a lot of time and effort to create new plants.

Effective seedling nursery methods

In addition to the technique of growing seedlings through seeds, there are many other methods to grow seedlings effectively. Here are some common methods used in agriculture:

Nurture plants by dividing branches

This method is often applied to woody plants such as fruit trees or ornamental plants. The process involves cutting a branch from a plant and placing it in soil to create a new plant.

Nurture plants by cutting tubers

For root crops like potatoes or carrots, you can use this method to create new crops. The process involves cutting off a portion of the tuber and placing it in soil to create a new plant.

Nurture trees by grafting branches

This method is often applied to woody plants such as fruit trees. This process involves grafting a branch of a tree onto the trunk of another tree to create a new tree.

Factors affecting the nursery process

During the nursery process, there are many factors that can affect the development and growth of the plant. Here are some important factors to keep in mind:

  • Soil: Soil needs to be nutritious and airy to ensure plant growth.
  • Temperature and humidity: Temperature and humidity are two important factors to stimulate plant growth.
  • Light: Different plants have different light needs, so you need to choose the right plants and provide them with enough light.
  • Nutrients: For plants to grow well, it is necessary to provide enough nutrients for plants through soil or fertilizer.
  • Care: Proper plant care is important to ensure plant growth.

Instructions for growing your own plants at home

You can grow your own plants at home in a simple and cost-effective way. Here are detailed instructions for you:

Steps to grow your own plants at home

To grow your own plants at home, you need to prepare the following items:

  • Seeds or plant parts such as branches, roots or tubers
  • Soil and necessary nutrients
  • Spray bottle for watering plants

After you have prepared all the supplies, you can take the following steps to grow your own plants at home:

  1. Choose seeds or plant parts that are healthy and undamaged.
  2. Prepare soil and necessary nutrients to create a good environment for plant growth.
  3. Place the seeds or plant parts in the soil and water regularly.
  4. Make sure the plant is placed in a warm environment with enough light to stimulate growth.
  5. Monitor and care for the plants properly until they grow into new plants.

Be careful when growing your own plants at home

When growing your own plants at home, you need to keep in mind the following to ensure success:

  • Choose seeds or plant parts that are healthy and undamaged.
  • Make sure the soil and necessary nutrients are enough to create a good environment for plant growth.
  • Monitor and care for plants properly to ensure they grow well.
  • Place the plant in a warm and well-lit environment to stimulate growth.
  • Avoid watering too much or too little, this can affect the plant’s growth.

Application of tree nursery method in agriculture

The seedling method is one of the important techniques in agriculture and has many different applications. Below are some applications of the seedling method in agriculture:

  • Creating new tree varieties: The seedling method allows creating many new tree varieties through combining different types of trees.
  • Increase production productivity: Using the nursery method helps increase crop production productivity, thereby improving productivity and product quality.
  • Product diversification: Creating many new tree varieties through nursery methods helps diversify products, thereby meeting market needs.
  • Save money: Growing your own plants at home or on the farm helps save money on buying new seeds.
  • Quality control: Using the nursery method helps control the quality of plants, thereby ensuring plant growth and development.


The seedling method is an important technique in agriculture to create new plants. It has many advantages such as product diversification, increased productivity and cost savings. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the factors that affect the process of growing and caring for plants properly to achieve success. You can also grow your own plants at home with simple and cost-effective steps. The seedling method also has many applications in agriculture, helping to increase productivity and diversify products.

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