CW Park USC Lawsuit: All you need to know

CW Park USC Lawsuit

CW Park is a professor at the University of Southern California (USC) and head of the marketing department at this school. However, he has recently been accused of improper practices in student recruitment and management. This lawsuit caused a lot of controversy and affected USC’s reputation. In this article, we will explore the details of the CW Park USC lawsuit and its consequences.

History and background information about the lawsuit

Cause of the lawsuit

In 2018, several students accused CW Park of discriminatory and racist behavior during the admissions process at USC. They said he gave priority to Korean and Chinese students, while excluding Vietnamese and African students. In addition, he was also accused of using school funds to pay for Korean and Chinese students, while ignoring other students.

Evidence and consequences

After these allegations were made, USC conducted an investigation and discovered that there was a lack of transparency and unfairness in CW Park’s admissions process. In addition, he was also accused of violating the law on the use of school funds. Therefore, USC decided to fire him and issue an apology to the affected students.

Details of the CW Park USC lawsuit

Alleged acts

Students allege that CW Park engaged in discriminatory and racist behavior during the admissions process at USC. This includes prioritizing Korean and Chinese students, while excluding Vietnamese and African students. In addition, he was also accused of using school funds to pay for Korean and Chinese students, while ignoring other students.

The evidence

The main evidence in this lawsuit is the statements of affected students and evidence about the use of school funds. Additionally, USC also conducted an internal investigation and discovered that there was a lack of transparency and unfairness in CW Park’s admissions process.


This lawsuit caused a lot of controversy and affected USC’s reputation. After he was fired, CW Park filed a lawsuit against the school and asked to be rehired. However, after reviewing the evidence, the court dismissed his lawsuit and held that USC made the right decision to fire him.

Frequently asked questions about the CW Park USC lawsuit

Why was CW Park fired?

He was fired for discriminatory and racist practices in the admissions process at USC, as well as for violating laws regarding the use of school funds.

Does this lawsuit affect USC’s reputation?

This lawsuit caused a lot of controversy and affected USC’s reputation. However, after reviewing the evidence, the court held that the school made the right decision to fire CW Park.

How were the students affected in this lawsuit resolved?

After investigating and confirming the allegations, USC issued an apology to affected students and pledged to improve its admissions process to ensure fairness and transparency.

How many students are affected in this lawsuit?

There is currently no official figure on the number of students affected in this lawsuit. However, according to revealed information, about 10 students have accused CW Park of discriminatory and racist behavior.

Does this lawsuit affect Vietnamese students at USC?

Currently, there is no specific information about how many Vietnamese students are affected in this lawsuit. However, USC has committed to improving its admissions process to ensure fairness and transparency for all students.


The CW Park USC lawsuit has caused a lot of controversy and affected the school’s reputation. However, after reviewing the evidence, the court held that USC made the right decision to fire him. Currently, the school has committed to improving its admissions process to ensure fairness and transparency for all students. Hopefully this lawsuit will be an important lesson for universities on ensuring fairness and transparency in the admissions process.

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