Carpet: The perfect choice for your living space


Carpets are one of the indispensable interior decoration items in any home. It not only brings warmth and comfort to the living space, but also creates a highlight for the room. However, choosing the right type of carpet and knowing how to use and maintain it properly is important to have a beautiful and comfortable living space. In this article, we will learn about carpets – an indispensable item in interior decoration and how to use and maintain them properly.

The right type of carpet for your home

When choosing carpet for your home, you need to consider factors such as area, purpose of use and interior decoration style. Below are some popular types of carpets suitable for each living space.

Thick floor carpet

Thick carpets are the perfect choice for small homes or rooms with a lot of furniture. With a thickness of 8mm or more, this type of carpet will create a soft and comfortable feeling when stepping on it. In addition, thick carpets also have good soundproofing and warmth properties, helping to save on air conditioning costs in the winter.

Sparse carpeting

If you want to create a gentle and sophisticated feeling for your living space, sparse carpeting is the perfect choice. With a thickness of only about 5mm, this type of carpet will create a cool and airy feeling for the room. In addition, loose carpets can also be used to create a highlight for the living space, for example to decorate the living room or bedroom.

The benefits of using carpeting

In addition to creating a highlight for your living space, carpets also bring many other benefits to your home. Here are some benefits of using carpeting.

Creates a feeling of warmth and comfort

With good soundproofing and warmth-keeping properties, carpets will create a warm and comfortable feeling for your living space. Especially on cold winter days, stepping on a soft carpet will help you feel warmer and not need to use too much air conditioning.

Effective soundproofing

Carpets have good sound insulation, helping to reduce noise from outside and keep the living space quieter. This is very important for rooms with a lot of furniture or apartments with a lot of noise from neighbors.

Easy to clean and maintain

Carpets are also very easy to clean and maintain. You just need to vacuum regularly and clean with water and a little soap to keep the carpet clean and fresh. In addition, you can also use specialized products to clean and maintain carpets.

How to install carpeting

To have a beautiful and comfortable living space with carpet, installing it properly is very important. Below are some basic steps to install carpeting.


Before starting to install it, you need to prepare the necessary tools such as scissors, knives, tape and measuring tools. In addition, you also need to measure the size of the room and calculate the amount of carpet needed to avoid waste.

Clean and prepare the surface

Before installation, you need to clean and dry the floor surface. If the floor has stains or marks, clean them with soap and water to remove them. Then, make sure the floor surface is completely dry before proceeding with installation.

Cut and install carpet

Once fully prepared, you can begin cutting and installing the carpet. First, measure the size of the room and cut the carpet to that size. Then, use tape to tape the carpet pieces together and make sure they don’t slip when stepped on. Finally, place the mat on the floor surface and use a knife to cut off the excess at the corners and edges.

How to clean and maintain carpets

In order for carpet to always maintain its beauty and longevity, proper cleaning and maintenance is very important. Below are some ways to clean and maintain carpets.

Vacuum regularly

Regular vacuuming is the simplest way to keep carpets clean and dirt-free. You can use a vacuum cleaner or a brush to clean stubborn stains.

Clean with water and soap

If the carpet is heavily soiled, you can clean it with water and soap to remove stubborn stains. After cleaning, use a damp cloth to dry and make sure the mat is completely dry before using it again.

Use specialized products

In addition to normal cleaning, you can also use specialized products to clean and maintain carpets. These products can help remove stubborn stains and leave the carpet looking cleaner and fresher.

Popular carpet patterns

Currently, on the market there are many different carpet models with many designs and colors for you to choose from. Below are some popular carpet models today.

Patterned carpets

Patterned carpets are one of the popular choices for homes with modern décor. With unique and delicate patterns, this type of carpet will create a highlight for your living space.

Solid color carpet

If you want to create an elegant and luxurious feeling for your living space, monochrome carpets are the perfect choice. With gentle and delicate colors, this type of it will help the room become more elegant and warmer.

Knitted floor mats

Knitted carpets are a popular choice for homes with classic décor. With unique and sophisticated patterns, this type of carpet will create a luxurious and classy living space.

Carpets and interior decoration style

Carpets are not only an interior decoration item but also an important part in creating a decorative style for a living space. Here are some ways to use rugs to create a distinctive décor for your home.

Modern style

If you love modern decoration style, patterned or monochrome carpets are the perfect choice. You can choose carpet models with simple and delicate patterns or gentle colors to create a modern and elegant living space.

Classic style

If you love classic decoration style, knitted carpets are the perfect choice. With unique and sophisticated patterns, this type of carpet will create a luxurious and classy living space.

Bohemian style

Bohemian style is always loved for its freedom and personality. With this decoration style, you can use patterned carpets or bright colors to create a colorful and vibrant living space.

Carpet price

The price of carpet depends on many factors such as size, material and brand. However, the price of carpets usually ranges from several hundred thousand to several million VND for a carpet. To be able to choose the right type of carpet for your budget, you should research carefully about brands and products before deciding to buy.

Reputable carpet brands

Currently, there are many different carpet brands on the market. However, to ensure the quality and aesthetics of your living space, you should choose reputable and high-quality brands. Below are some reputable carpet brands today.


Tarkett is one of the most famous and trusted carpet brands today. With high quality and aesthetics, Tarkett products always meet customer needs.


Interface is a famous carpet brand in the world with products in a variety of designs and colors. Interface products not only have good quality but also bring luxury and class to the living space.


Milliken is a famous carpet brand with products in a variety of designs and colors. With high quality and excellent aesthetics, Milliken products are always highly appreciated by customers.

New carpet trend

Every year, It trends also change over time. Currently, there are a number of new carpet trends that are popular in the market.

Natural carpets

Natural carpets are becoming a new trend in interior decoration. With natural materials such as bamboo, straw, flax, natural carpets bring a feeling of closeness and warmth to the living space.

Recycled carpets

Recycled carpets are a new trend but have attracted many people’s attention and popularity. By using recycled materials such as plastic and rubber, this floor mat not only helps protect the environment but also brings beauty and aesthetics to the living space.


Thus, carpets are not only an interior decoration item but also have many different benefits. Choosing the right type of carpet and maintaining it properly will help your living space become more luxurious, warm and classy. Please consider and research carefully before deciding to buy carpet for your home.

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